An alternative to boxwood

To make a clear distinction between the different Bloombux varieties, our own magenta-colored pot series has been introduced for Bloombux Magenta. The pink Bloombux varieties remain in their familiar black pots. This award applies to all variants, from small nuggets to balls, as a popular form for balcony decoration.

For more information:
Harries Plant Design
Jenseits der Aue 8a, 26188 Edewecht
Tel.: 04405 925499-0
[email protected]

منبع The popularity of alternatives to boxwood is steadily increasing, and the market is offering more and more options. INKARHO has successfully established a brand in this area with Bloombux. Bloombux is a rhododendron hybrid resulting from the crossing of Rhododendron hirsutum and Rhododendron micranthum. Particularly noteworthy is that Bloombux is known for its lime tolerance, allowing it to grow in any humus-rich garden soil without the need for acidic soil. Moreover, unlike boxwood, it is resistant to the boxwood moth.

Bloombux unfolds its full flower splendor in mid-May and attracts many garden insects. It is, therefore, ideal for an insect-friendly garden. In addition, Bloombux has proven to be particularly hardy since its introduction to the market and has proven itself to be reliably winter-resistant. While other alternatives to boxwood may need extra protection in severe frost, Bloombux can withstand temperatures down to -24°C. The Bloombux brand has now achieved a very high level of fame, partly thanks to extensive advertising efforts and media attention. Its own website is particularly popular, where interested parties can directly search for purchasing sources. Simply enter the zip code, and the nearest specialized dealer will be displayed.