Eastern Region IPPS visits Westbrook System

Andrew Hoover, VP of Operations for Westbrook Systems, commented: “We were very excited to be asked to be part of the IPPS tours. We always welcome the opportunity to open our doors to the industry and show off our capabilities as well as our team’s hard work and dedication. The event turned out great and allowed a number of the members to gain an understanding of how their greenhouses are built.”

Case Vanderkruk, Conference Tours Organizer
International Plant Propagators Society

[email protected]


Westbrook Greenhouse Systems was pleased to showcase its 84,000 sq ft Beamsville, Ontario plant to IPPS attendees with an overview of how commercial greenhouse structures and heating systems are manufactured.

Chris Jorritsma and Mike Nywening are touring members on roll forming and welding operations.

Jack Smit showed members high-precision laser tube-cutting machines.

On September 27, 2023, the annual Eastern Region IPPS (International Plant Propagators Society) conference included field visits to nearby growers & suppliers.

For more information:
Andrew Hoover, VP of Operations
Westbrook Greenhouse Systems
[email protected]