Long-term sustainability of peat in horticulture

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This webinar is sponsored by the Nursery Crops Professional Interest Group.

For more information:
American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS)

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The importance of peatlands on climate change and global carbon storage are becoming better understood by scientific and regulatory communities. As a result, the use of peat in horticulture has come under increased scrutiny. In Europe, where peat has been used for centuries and peatlands are highly degraded, political and social pressure is resulting in legislation and some outright bans on peat harvesting. Similar pressure is mounting in North America despite that peatlands are far more extensive and far less degraded than Europe. This seminar will examine issues surrounding the use of peat in horticulture specific to North America. We will discuss the impact of peat harvesting on carbon released into the atmosphere relative to other agricultural and human activities; the feasibility of rehabilitating harvested peatlands back to functional carbon sinks; alternatives to using peat in horticulture and their relative carbon footprints and related environmental impacts; and finally, the societal need for peat in horticulture.

A webinar: