Abhishek Kumar had witnessed the exploitation of villagers in search of better opportunities. He envisioned a future where agriculture could be a lucrative and sustainable livelihood. His flower farming business boomed and Kumar became the epitome of dedication and will power.
With a keen interest in agriculture, Abhishek enrolled at the Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Aurangabad. He acquired the necessary knowledge to begin his farming journey. Starting with aromatic and medicinal plants like tulsi, lemongrass, and turmeric. His innovative approach to farming, which included soil testing, polyhouse cultivation, and foliar application of urea, yielded impressive results. Within three months, he had earned an income of Rs. 4 lakhs.
Abhishek’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to become the first person in Bihar to cultivate Gerbera. He successfully sourced saplings from Bengaluru and Pune and adopted tissue culture techniques for cultivation. His success with Gerbera encouraged him to explore other high-value flowering plants like lilium, orchid, and hortensia.
Read more at krishijagran.com