Bouquet making workshop at Savitribai Phule Pune University

A bouquet-making workshop held on 22nd February 2024 at the auditorium of Savitribai Phule Pune University in Indusa attracted 84 students along with 4 staff members who participated actively throughout the session. According to Mr. Pandharinath Mhaske, the trainer demonstrated the art of bouquet making with finesse and expertise, and according to him, the event was a resounding success in Pune, India.

Throughout the workshop, he showcased the creation of five distinct bouquets, elucidating on each step in detail. Mr. Mhaske not only focused on the aesthetic aspect but also emphasized the importance of precision and care while assembling bouquets. His instructions included crucial details and precautions to ensure the quality and longevity of the arrangements.

One of the highlights of the workshop was Mr. Mhaske’s insightful discussion on customer engagement and attraction techniques within a floral shop. He shared valuable strategies on how to captivate customers and enhance their experience, thereby fostering customer loyalty and repeat business.

The workshop provided a platform for attendees to not only learn the technical aspects of bouquet making but also gain valuable insights into the dynamics of running a successful floral business. The interactive nature of the session facilitated meaningful exchanges and enriched the learning experience for all participants.

“Overall, the bouquet-making workshop was a highly enriching and engaging event that left attendees inspired and equipped with valuable knowledge and skills. We extend our gratitude to Mr. Pandharinath Mhaske for his invaluable contribution and look forward to more such enlightening sessions in the future.”

For more information:
Pandharinath Mhaske
Sneh Florist
