High tech agricultural technology in greenhouse production


The Resource Innovation Institute (RII) will be hosting our latest webinar, “The High Tech Edge: Machine Vision and Automated Conveyance in Greenhouse Production” on Wednesday, May 22nd at 1:00 PM ET!

In this session, speakers uncover the power of machine vision grading, where plants are whisked and spun past cameras that count and grade flower stems and open flowers. From precision assessment to seamless sorting, witness firsthand how advanced imaging technologies are revolutionizing quality control in greenhouse operations. But that’s just the beginning.

The webinar will also explore the game-changing Dutch tray table systems, a marvel of engineering designed to optimize space utilization and light use efficiency. Picture a greenhouse without aisles, where up to 92% of space is dedicated to growth. Discover how these automated conveyance systems streamline production, enhance workflow, and ultimately elevate yield and profitability.

Whether you’re a seasoned industry professional or an aspiring agricultural innovator, this webinar is your ticket to staying at the forefront of the controlled environment agriculture revolution. Join moderator Rob Eddy and panelists Brandon Waghorn of SEF and Kane Hogan of AdeptAg as we delve into the intricate nexus of technology and agriculture, unlocking new possibilities for sustainable, high-yield greenhouse production.

Reserve your spot to seize the high-tech edge! Join RII and the panelists on Wednesday, May 22nd at 1:00 PM ET. Register Today.

For more information:
Resource Innovation Center

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