Waterdrinker scouting for plants in Indonesia

In his quest for unique and exclusive plant species, Ed Mol flew to Indonesia last month to scout for new varieties. He visited the Grow4you nursery, where he discovered stunning species of Epipremnum, Tradescantia, Hoya, and Aglaonema, and wandered through the famous plant market in Jakarta. There, he found a true melting pot of colors, scents, and exotic flora. This market has grown into the go-to place for trading plants during the pandemic and remains incredibly popular today.

Ed Mol (Waterdrinker) and Tristian Bentvelsen (Grow4you)

Waterdrinker has acquired some promising species, the company announced. One of these is the Labisia turtle back. This eye-catching plant will be exclusively cultivated for Waterdrinker Aalsmeer B.V., OZ Planten, and Hamiplant BV and is expected to be introduced in Q1 of 2025.

The Labisia turtle back.

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